31 January 2011

Sweet lack of understanding

What sweet lack
of understanding is this
that leaves me
thirsting, hungry
seeking more
of ways higher
deeper, wider
than ever human reason
could fathom.

Still You choose
to speak, truth
light reflecting revelation
chasing shadows
silencing storms.

A soft residue of peace
like volcanic ash
covers me
deposits deep
a mystery
my logic cannot reach
but my spirit connects.

Let me then rejoice
if, in leaving reason
far behind
I find not more of myself
but Him.

The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can't receive the gifts of God's Spirit. There's no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit—God's Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God's Spirit is doing, and can't be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah's question, "Is there anyone around who knows God's Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?" has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ's Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Message

Stop by Jason's place for more poetry written by God's warriors!
This time we're writing about the mystery of God.


Anonymous said...

It's so overwhelming to think about how He longs for us and draws us in. Beautiful as always, Karin. Thank you for being such a wonderful part.

Glynn said...

And he chooses to share the knowledge, to speak the truth, in his good pleasure. Enjoyed this.