21 January 2011

Holding tight

On Tuesday morning the Lord told me as I shared here:

You are carrying what I have conceived and it is time to bring it forth.

Since He spoke that into my spirit, I have been walking on the high cliffs of tears but unable to let go.  I feel tense, constrained, not fearful, just edgy.

I know with my head that I shouldn't be afraid to jump, for He Is the net that will catch and protect me.  My wings are fluttering yet held to close to my breast.  Half of me yearns to fly, swooping and diving, but the rest of me is holding tight, my feet planted on what only appears to be solid ground.

My Lord is gentle, almost overly kind with me as He continues to lead me to the precipice:

I Am teaching you trust and with your nature so prone to self-reliance and independance I am creating a need to depend on Me and Me alone.

You want things figured out before you move forward, yet I tell you again that first blind step is essential.  That is the faith step and it leads you right into the centre of My heart and the middle of My will.

Give up.  Let go.  That is the surrender I seek, for how can My Spirit move that which is firmly grounded.

And then yesterday He added:

Your life is for My glory, not your own. My power is seen when bridges are crossed, obstacles are conquered, on the mountains and in the valleys.

Will you dare to scale the North Face of challenges before you?

I Am mighty enough to take you where I want you to go.

Help me then, Lord my God, to breathe in deeply the courage You provide; to stretch and expand wings that You have designed for this very moment in time; to forsake the holding tight for a free fall of release.


dude said...

WOW...I needed to read that! Thanks for sharing...I'll be musing on this for a few days.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Karin. He will always catch us when we leap in faith and cause us to soar with Him. Great encouragement. Blessings to you...

amy said...

this is so beautiful. thank you. i need this.

Sandra Heska King said...

You will sail on His wings as He strengthens yours.

Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

It's so, so scary to take those leaps of faith. I'm cheering you on, Karin!

For His Glory...
For His.

And in your weakness, His power is made perfect.

God bless you!