03 January 2011

Empty fields

Day cracks cold
sun flashing on snow
I rise to praise
the One Who provides mercies
fresh every morning.

Who stretches out fields surrounding me
like sheets of paper
waiting for the words of a new day
to step through the thin ice crust
like footprints breaking trail.

So I begin a journey
known only to The Master
where fear meets faith
and the only goal
is the glory of His name.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT

Join us at Jason's for more words from poetic warriors


Anonymous said...

I'm just smiling from ear to ear reading this. What joy we have when we aren't focused on the external "cold" but on the object of our affection and meeting with Him. Wonderful! Thank you for participating, Karin. You blessed me!

Ryan Tate said...

"where fear meets faith" - I love this line, and the imagery of the sheets of paper. Great poem!

dude said...

So I begin a journey
known only to The Master
where fear meets faith
and the only goal
is the glory of His name.

Tremendous and beautiful....and also very, very true! Thanks Karin!

Unknown said...

I love this line:

"Who stretches out fields surrounding me
like sheets of paper

Beautiful imagery!

Glynn said...

It's a lovely poem - expressing the hope of our hearts.

Sandra Heska King said...

Oh my word. I used the same scripture yesterday.

Your imagery and words are stunning. As always.

The only goal is the glory of His name.
