25 January 2011

The space between

I am caught in the space
between the frozen zone
and the warmth in here
the peace of what I know
and the thin, brittle ice

In this season of grays
life pauses to catch its breath
yet in hibernation
a new thing
snuggles in
takes hold
nourished, protected.
A seed planted, unseen
beneath the drifts of snow

Peace, be still
says He
as every fibre aches
to stretch, expand
break out
the small place
secure, but also stifling
wings batter restraining walls.

Winter can appear
indeed endless
in the land called
True North
months more ahead.

I am caught in the space
between the frozen zone
and the warmth in here
the peace of what I know
and the thin, brittle ice.

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.  Mark 4:39 NKJV

Linking today to the carnival at Peter Pollock's where we're talking about winter

and One Stop Poetry where we're sharing our One Shots


Helen said...

That space... I know where it is! :-) Great poem!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I understand this feeling very well. The saddest thing is when I forget I'm in His warmth and all I can focus on is the outside cold and ice. I'm thankful for His love and grace that surrounds me. Thanks Karin.

Glynn said...

Caught, yet always the hope, because the seed will grow. Good poem.

moondustwriter said...

Beautifully caught in that warm protected space

thanks for sharing with One Shot

smiles from the Moon

Louise said...

'life pauses to catch it's breath' - lovely beautiful poem :)

Brian Miller said...

stay warm because of who is with you to keep that thin brittle ice at bay...smiles. nice one shot...

dude said...


S. Etole said...

I know that space as well ...

a joyful noise said...

I like what you said about being caught between the frozen zone (uncertainty) And the warmth in here (your heart) The peace of what I know (your faith)

Lisa notes... said...

Your words are always so moving that they make me wish that *I* could write poetry like this, too. But, alas, I cannot. So I'll just continue to enjoy yours. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Jenne' R. Andrews said...

Really beautiful, tender-- swells our gratitude factor--xxxj

Beth said...

I could really relate to this. I liked the idea of the space between--yes I reside there often in the winter, esp. on 'snow days' (I'm a teacher).

Anonymous said...

well done.
we can still be growing within our rest and peace, yet, we do not see it. it is covered in white.

Duane Scott said...

Your poetry is stunning. I loved the "spaces". :) I've been there!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. Thank you. A great reminder of the hope that lies in wait, even when we can't see it.

Rachel Hoyt said...

Great poem! I hope you're resting in that still, silent, hopefull place now. :)

My One Shot: Stop Licking the Drain

Anonymous said...

I know all about the space between. A tough place to be. Lovely post!

Steve Isaak said...

Nice, light-touch, good-flow, non-politicized work.