"Yes, I bought them for myself" I was thinking. "I'm not sure that they were worth the money."
Then I saw the image of Jesus on the cross, arms outstretched, bleeding. I stood with the water from the showerhead pouring over me and I began to weep, for He said:
I bought you for myself because I knew what I wanted. And yes, you were well worth the price.
What a powerful reminder of His amazing love. Have you accepted what He purchased for you? He offers the gift of Himself to all who will receive.
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV
wonderful take on the gospel...yes i have...
Ah, yes ... Well worth the price.
I'm overwhelmed by the fact that grace is free, but that it cost the Giver so much.
Wonderful post. I am grateful for the price He paid.
It's funny, the times when God will get inside your head and break you down. It can be at the most odd moments, like a surprise.
Yes, it is. :o)
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