10 February 2011

Pieces of love along the way

I knew nothing of love, real love, until I allowed the heart of Christ to resonate and surrendered my own heart to Him.  The desire for marriage did not come until after this and I am ever thankful that this also was by His design.

What I now know of love I have uncovered, like shiny trinkets once buried along the path I walk hand in hand with my husband.

Could I once have thought that marriage was a 50/50 proposition?  I have learned that each must contribute 100 percent, all for all.

Could I once have thought that a husband would complete me?  I have learned that what we must do is offer our broken selves to our Lord, and in His hands He knits us together with Himself at the centre.  That it is our incompleteness that drives us again and again into His arms, right where we belong.

Could I have once thought that marriage was about receiving love?  I have learned that I feel the most joy when I am able to fully give love.

Perhaps the prayer attributed to Saint Francis can best express the sparkling gems of truth the Lord has allowed me to collect.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Broken, yes, but in Your hands, I thank You Lord for the man You chose to walk with me along a road that brings us ever closer to Your heart.  Splintered, fragmented even shattered at times, still I have found unspeakable joy.

Jamming  this week with Bonnie as she asked what we wish we had known about marriage.

and linking with others both broken and imperfect at Emily's.


Heather Mattern said...

What beautiful words you share. Thank you for posting that prayer, it is one that I too need to pray.

Courtney Walsh said...

I love what you said about marriage being 100 percent each. That's so true and I never thought of it that way. awesome point.

Lisa notes... said...

Beautiful and true words. I have learned similar things, often the hard way. I wish there were a way to inject those truths at the very beginning of a marriage... But the Lord's ways are best. Thanks for sharing this.

dude said...

Marriage is the greatest adventure...I'm so thankful for my wife! This is a beautiful tribute to marriage...thanks!

Monica Sharman said...

" like shiny trinkets once buried ..."

Beautiful to read this post. I like the 100% thing, too.

Bonnie Gray said...

"What I now know of love I have uncovered, like shiny trinkets once buried along the path I walk hand in hand with my husband."

If the world could read this poem... how it shines and shimmers against the lack of hope for marriages. Speaking so directly and beautifully, Faithful Firefly.

nic said...

you have a beautiful perspective on marriage and love. thank you for this post, for these truths.

Sheryl said...

What a beautiful expression of truth!

Mommy Emily said...

friend... thank you so, so much for this tender reminder of true love. "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace"... so fitting. so fitting. xo

Kati patrianoceu said...

Thank you for this gorgeous, and intimate, reminder of what true love is all about.

alittlebitograce said...

all I can do is nod my head in agreement, especially to the prayer.