30 September 2010

Pleasantly disturbed Thursday

Yesterday I wrote a poem about how I write a poem, or rather about how I don't write a poem but allow the Lord to write through me.

Now don't worry that I've gone all goofy, new-age, automatic writing, channeling spirits, over the edge on you. Just read the poem and you'll see that once I begin, He continues, the only muse I seek, the only One I need.

I suppose what I'm trying to share is that with my natural mind, all of my writing is random. Only God can take my words and convert them into something that makes sense. So Thursday is like any other day for me except any concern about sense and order is lifted.

As the nuptials of our Pleasantly Disturbed leader Duane Scott draw near I'm wondering is his beloved Southern Gal realizes she will be expected to join in this random madness. Even if she has no blog of her own Duane could post her writings for us. She may have no clue what she's missing, but then again, that could perhaps be God's way of protecting her.

Words from the song People on our Knees by Tracy Rahn have echoed in my spirit this last little while:

No more wasting time, the days are nearly over
The groom is quickly coming
He greets us with a kiss
And proclaims you have been chosen for such a time as this.
I choose to follow You, forsaking all I know
and taking up my cross
and if I die, I die, to find my life in You
Lord this is my cry.

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” Esther 4:14-16 NKJV

I had no idea that was going to pour out this morning, but I've been in that place of learning to surrender and wanting to find my life in Him. It is not always pleasant, it is often disturbing, but it is His call. I do not wish to refuse.

Join us at Duane Scott's Scribing the Journey for more of the disturbed pleasantness.


dude said...

"It is not always pleasant, it is often disturbing, but it is His call. I do not wish to refuse."

Amen Sister...that'll preach! I love the simple, powerful strength in that statement!

Duane Scott said...


I haven't had the nerve to ask Southern Gal if she'll be writing or not. :) She DOES get to be a part of my posts from now on tho.... :) And she just left a comment on my blog.

I'm with JC up above. I love that quote.

Thanks for being a part of this!

Helen said...

She could easily sign up for a free blog like you and I do, but only post for PDT... I say it should be mandatory! :-)

I agree with the others. Lovely quote.