08 September 2010

If need be, in dying also

I'm joining my friends Jason and Sarah as they study Richard Stearn's book The Hole In Our Gospel. I was blessed to win the book in Sarah's giveaway. When it arrived yesterday I read quickly so I could catch up through Chapter 2.

Richard, who is now the President of World Vision U.S. is telling the story of how God moved him from a safe and blessed comfort zone. He admits to kicking and screaming, crying and pleading. His struggle echos those of many of us: we claim Jesus as our Savior and as our Lord, we tell Him that we surrender and we choose to follow Him, and then almost without noticing, we stuff cotton in our spiritual ears so that we can't hear Him calling:

And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, [refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also]. Luke 9:23 Amplified

Richard was asked "Are you willing to be open to God's will for your life?"

We are often quick to answer "Yes, of course!" without counting the cost. I pray that as we continue to study we will allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where we have been holding on and holding out. I pray that we might be bold enough, strong enough and courageous enough to free fall into His plans and purposes. May we learn well that the richest blessings come from obedience.

Blessed by obedience I long to be
blessed by obedience to Thee
blessed to stand before Your throne
trusting You and You alone
to write Your laws upon my heart
to live for only Thee
abiding in Your presence
satisfied and free

Stop by Sarah's place Living Between the Lines for more of this week's study.


herbhalstead said...

"the richest blessings come from obedience" - wow I've heard that before recently... the H.S.'s speaking to me.

jasonS said...

Great post and I echo your prayer. I want to do that free fall into His plans and purposes, fully submitted to His will. Thanks Karin.

Michael said...

abiding in His presence...


Sarah Salter said...

Karin, this is SO GOOD!--"We claim Jesus as our Savior and as our Lord, we tell Him that we surrender and we choose to follow Him, and then almost without noticing, we stuff cotton in our spiritual ears so that we can't Him calling..."

Thank you!

dude said...

Karin...all I can say is amen!

Unknown said...

Love having some new faces in the book discussion and to see a wider variety of responses to the chapters.

This book has already convicted me and I expect it to continue.

Love the prayer/poem!

sailorcross said...

Our Small Group is doing a series on The Holy Spirit. These teachings have been an eye (and ear and heart) opener for me and the others in my group.

You've hit the nail on the head when you said that we are quick to say "yes", and then we back off. We, in our hearts, want to surrender it all, and then we are afraid of what God will ask us to do.

I'm working on it--with God along side me guiding me along. I think this is a struggle the majority of us have. I want to surrender to God's will and His works in me, and I know that what He calls me to do will not fail--because He is the core and center of His plan.
