06 January 2010

Me? Worry?

As I was looking over my posts from the past year, I found a favorite that I guest wrote for Teri Lynne at Pleasing to You in late October. I'm reposting it here for those who missed it, and as a reminder to myself to cease from worrying.

A few mornings ago, in my quiet time with the Lord, in my mind I kept seeing sparrows. The eyes of my spirit watched them flying about, up and down, here and there, rather aimlessly, seeming to have not a care in the world.

SPARROWImage by Kvjrkrao via Flickr

“What’s with all the birds, Lord?” I asked, and I sensed His leading to read Luke’s words about sparrows:

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And [yet] not one of them is forgotten or uncared for in the presence of God. But [even] the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many [flocks] of sparrows. Luke 12:6-7 Amplified

He knows every hair on my head. I am valued and loved. He wants me to know that. He wants us all to know that. There is peace, freedom and joy in knowing that simple truth. There is no need for fear, for the Creator of heaven and earth Was, Is and ever shall Be in control. And yet far too often I forget. In the day to day stresses of this life, worry creeps in and the “what ifs?” begin. The anxiety arises about both trivial and major issues.

What if the car doesn’t start? What if the yard gets snowed in? What if coyotes come and take my dog away? What if my beloved husband slips into an affair? What if I forget to buy milk? What if every choice I make today is wrong?

With so many “what ifs?” screaming in my head it gets hard to hear the still small voice of my God. In the absence of His voice, the cycle continues, gaining momentum with incredible speed. There is always more to fret over. The future looks more and more uncertain.

What if my husband loses his job? What if we lose our home? What if we find out that one of us is seriously ill? What if? What if?

I’m sure that Jesus, possessing the wisdom of God, knew that we would be inclined to wallow in fear. That’s why he taught us:

So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 Amplified

Eventually, the enemy of my soul, who has been the very one stirring up all this mental chaos, overplays his hand.

What if God doesn’t really love you after all?”

That voice, that very mean and ugly voice that is so far out of alignment with God’s Word, is like a lightening strike to my spirit, jolting me back to what I know to be the truth. Like a defibrillator to the heart, my spirit returns to a normal, healthy rhythm and once again I can hear my Savior’s voice, “peace, be still.”

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 New Living Translation


Lisa-Jo Baker said...

So beautiful and so true - "Like a defibrillator to the heart" - what a powerful image. Yes, so often it takes recognizing the lies and naming them to get our heart beat on track again. Thank you for sharing this.

Teri Lynne Underwood said...

I loved this when you shared it with my readers and I still love it today. Consistently your writing inspires and challenges me ... thank you for using the gift God has given you for His glory!!

Corinne Cunningham said...

Like Teri Lynne, I loved it when you posted it on her site, and the sentiment still rings true today.

Lindsey @ A New Life said...

This is really beautiful! It is so important to stop those destructive thought patterns in their tracks and interject with glorious Truth!


Unknown said...

Good thought.
God often reminds me of those passages, the ones that say "every little thing is important to God, how can you think YOU would fall through the cracks?!"

It's a good reminder though. :)
Been following for awhile, but haven't read you for a bit. I should do it more often.

WillSpirit said...

Thank you for that post on worry. Anxiety is one of my biggest problems. For the past month I've been trying hard to have faith that the universe is on track, and that just because I don't understand the plan does not mean I need to fear what's coming. I am trying to have faith that we all get the support we need to feel at peace, provided we open our hearts to it. Your re-post helps me see another way to work on this resolution.

Lisa notes... said...

Saw tons of sparrows just last night, oddly enough, flitting around the roof of the Jewish synagogue that is next to my church’s building. I didn’t make the connection with Luke 12 though until I just read your post. So thanks for directing me here from FaithBarista. It’s a timeless piece. Peace, be still.