We are not equal, He and I. He Is Master, I am slave. He Is Lord and I am subject. He Is Teacher and I listen at His feet.
This is what He shared as dawn broke today:
Count the cost.
Count the cost first, then choose the better friend
Me or the world.
Yes, salvation through My blood is a gift freely given
but true life in Me
does not come without a price
My life for yours
your life for Mine
True life in Me
may require a turning away from all you knew before
Yes, all you knew before
The way of the flesh and the Way of the Spirit
at times may follow the same path
but walk carefully, with wisdom
and you will see forks in the road
places of decision
times of turning
yes, even switchbacks
when you'll feel as if you're going backwards
and at each of these forks
again rises the question
"choose you this day whom you will serve"
it is always a choice, child.
Count the cost.
Choose life.
Choose Me.
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD Joshua 24:15 NIV
Jamming with Bonnie today as she asks what Jesus has been teaching us lately.
Visiting from Bonnie's today... and this phrase sticks with me: "choose the better" -- I so much needed this today! thanks for sharing from your precious time with Him this morning.
I am so chaotic that my time with the Father comes at varying moments, in the middle of a project, on the way to work, at home cooking dinner, sitting and zoning out in front of the television where my mind wanders down His path, talking to Him, mulling over something I learned, and not really present.
Hi Karin! Oh, this brew is bold and strong today. And I like it. ;) It's true, the better is the choice we can make!
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