I never would have
dared to swing wide
the door, exposing
private messes better left
but as change
draws near
old will bow
to new
and freely now
I display before
dirty, cracked
faded sad
all the better
to reveal the glory
letting truth hang out at the bar with the poets

It is always good to come to terms with 'the old' before ushering in 'the new.'
indeed, its better to let the cracks be seen so that the glory gets all the glory in the end...
I've written about this in a different way, but the same underlying thought. No matter how much we cover the scars of before, they are part of us. Well written.
I have closed many doors and padlocked the pain and the mess but on occasion I crowbar the corridor with a cross and face the demons without fear . . . ok, I admit I am not totally fearless but they wouldn't be rooms worth revisiting unless they challenged my state: thanks for making me think! :)
ah nice...i like before and after pics - very cool - can't wait to see how it looks once all is finished... nice
Getting ready to welcome the new rather than sweep it under the carpet sounds wise, even if it is not always easy!
Excellent use of metaphor here.
Love the metaphor here, nice capture.
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