07 May 2014

to tell the tale

it seems my heart is trying to find abalance
(interesting that I write that as one word, without a space, a-balance)
between being grounded
and flying, even with
broken wings
a balance

between rooted
and free
so that I could claim
I am abalance now
but perhaps that is not
His aim
and He keeps me
off kilter to remember
my need of Him
He Is, then, my Balance
my Grounding, my Freedom

again and again I write
of brokenness, of longing
of surrender to
His hand, His design
I am His creation
unfinished, ever imperfect
He Is not done yet
and He made me
to create, but I don't
create my self, rather submit
to His creating
so that I might tell the tale

weaving through Dave Harrity's Making Manifest with Sandy and

walking in imperfection with Emily


Patricia said...

This is so good, Karin. Thank you for sharing.

Sandra Heska King said...

He Is
and I am His.

I'm loving how this book is speaking to you.

Tarissa said...

I like the word abalance. It's exactly what I long to be. Thanks for sharing this!