15 November 2013

the corner tree

when I try to catch the changing light
or the wind in photos
the variable texture of life here
the tree on the corner is there
posing, announcing home
there, where the road curves
where we begin to leave our land
it stands 
sunrise to sunset
almost, but not quite hidden 
in fog
branches waving goodbye as we go
and welcoming us as we return
not very large
or particularly beautiful
but familiar

the day is coming
when we will take that curve
a final time
moving toward trees of a different sort
baobabs, palm, African teak

and I will be grateful
for photo memories
digital eternity

Five Minute Friday

I'm linking to Lisa-Jo to talk about the word tree



Anonymous said...

Oh, that was so great! I'm so glad you have so many photos of that same tree... Very Neat!
Stopping in from Five Minute Friday

Jennifer said...

I love how we can have landmarks like tree's and when we see them we immediately think "I'm home!"

Anonymous said...

it's so wonderful, how you two are picking up and making such changes together.