time crushes, demands
more than it gives
harsh wind pulling
away from my source
too much not enough
left me hard, brittle
the call was thin, almost
too quiet to hear
come away
leaving snow
and static behind
to breathe, washed
by steady rain
heart pores open
made supple once more
finding my place elbow to elbow with the other poets today

Beautiful language, nice message here.
smiles...really nice...this season is so full of stuff...expectations that we have which can be overwhelming...i like it when the heart breaks anew....
Beautiful. x
Beautiful description of the flux of life - seasons, feelings, thoughts. Everything begins again, & that's a comforting thought.
Lovely escape in words.
Very pretty. I like this a lot. :-)
Time can't help it. It just is, and then it was, leaving us to heal from it. Love the crushing at the beginning, then the refreshing turn to healing. Beautiful.
Yes, sometimes I drift from my source and need to listen to the quiet call to "come away"...lovely thoughts and photograph, Firefly!
Beautiful poem !
a good poem to tell us we all have the same amount of time... It's always how we spend it isn't it.
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