17 June 2011

Five Minute Friday - Home clean home

This week,  Lisa-Jo who is excitedly planning her trip home to South Africa, gave us the prompt home to write about in five minutes. 

Here I go:

Sarah Mae at Like A Warm Cup of Coffee has written a book called 31 Days to Clean. In it she first asks us to come up with a mission statement for why we want a clean house. I pondered and prayed and settled on:
When things are in their perfect place
peace can descend and settle
a home clean, fresh
prepared to welcome friends
and house the Holy Spirit.

She has given us 31 daily challenges and so far, I have failed miserably. On the day I was supposed to clean the refrigerator, I changed and washed linens, worked on cutting grass and visited with people in town. It’s not that I don’t want a clean home, as my mission suggests, I know that peace comes easier when things are in order.

Is there a part of me that rebels against structure and schedules, I am sure.

Is there a part of me that desperately needs structure and schedules? I am sure again.

What do I do to reconcile these two sides of myself?

Can I take the schedule and rearrange its parts as the days line up differently each week?

Perhaps that is what I shall try… sort through the tasks, shuffle the deck and see where they fall, then re-deal as necessary.

I love knowing that people can stop by anytime and I can feel comfortable hosting them.

I know that God has given us this house for His purposes, and His purposes always include showing His love and care to others.

Let my home be as welcoming as my heart feels, and my heart be as welcoming as my home looks, a place where the Holy Spirit, like the dove that represents Him, lands lightly and chooses to abide.

Come on over to the Gypsy Mama's to read more posts on home penned in 5 minutes.


Unknown said...

Boy can I relate to this post. I've tried to follow schedules for cleaning and end up doing something completely different than what the schedule says. But like you said, I want my home to be as welcoming as my heart feels. Many blessings!

Unknown said...

Following schedules isn't a thing, which all can do. Some people aren't built that way.

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