10 December 2010

Christmas shopping for gifts that count

In the poem Memories of Redemption I wrote about shopping:

escalators jammed
with those sweating warm
in winter wools
ascending to
the higher floors
to secure the choicest gifts
and finding more
of nothing

I admit that I enjoy gifting those I love with trinkets that will please, encourage and delight them and our Christmas tree is surrounded with brightly wrapped packages waiting to be given.

But what do any of us really need, who live in the richest of nations?  So again this year, our most important shopping was done prayerfully at our computer keyboard as we honoured our loved ones by purchasing gifts in their names from Compassion's Gift Catalog

These are gifts that help make a difference in the lives of children living in some of the poorest communities of the world. These gifts help provide clean drinking water, medical treatment, disaster relief, food supplies and much, much more. Meet vital needs and bring real joy with a Gift of Compassion.

Gifts include mosquito nets, soccer balls, chickens, goats, water filters, farm equipment, clean water and more. Gift prices range from $10 to $5000.

Why not take a few moments now to check out the assortment of gifts here.

If you are interested in making a long term difference on the life of a child, please consider sponsorship.  For more information visit the Compassion website.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
  James 1:27 NLT


dude said...

A powerful way to share out of our abundance and blessing. Thanks for the reminder!

caryjo said...

Not doing exactly this, but have been blessed to be able to send 3 sets of twin sheets, some toothbrushes, costume jewelry, socks, and bits of other things to our "family" in Uganda. Someone going over the end of the month said we could send gifts and didn't have to worry about how many... we're also able to send cash with these folks so Sam will be big-time blessed. In terms of what's for our local friends and family -- not much will be received, when compared to our societal expectations. But my kids and g-kids over there will be thrilled. You are so right re: what is important and necessary. [My Ugandan daughter works for Compassion, was supported by them from the age of 8, and has worked for them for nearly 15 years. They are still sending her to college for another degree and keep her very, very busy, but the finances keep the family from going under.]