31 December 2010

Mountains to climb

Another year is ending and I am looking forward to taking some time to sit at the feet of my Master, seeking His heart and His will for the year to come.

I have asked Him for a word for 2011 and so far I have received both persevere and expectation.  As He puts meat on these bare bones for me to chew I shall share more.

I also sense Him telling me there will be mountains on the road ahead.  I can take the long way and go around them.  I can steel and harden myself and with all my natural might attempt to blast through them.  But He seems to be urging me on and upward, whispering that His best plan involves climbing and that He, as always, will provide all that I require for the journey.

2011 will be a year of drawing closer to His heart.  Will you come along with me?


Alida Sharp said...

"But He seems to be urging me on and upward, whispering that His best plan involves climbing and that He, as always, will provide all that I require for the journey."

I love this picture!!

Happy New Year to you. And may your be blessed with joy as you journey through 2011.

Anonymous said...

Definitely with you, Karin. Can't wait to see all God speaks and reveals for the coming year!

Melinda Lancaster said...

Will I join you? Absolutely.

My heart bears witness with this. I know that He will provide all that is required for the journey--including the strength to climb.

Sincere blessings as you enter into 2011 and beyond!

dude said...

Yes and Amen, I so love your attitude and your heart! Happy New Year!

Laura said...

I'm coming along! Persevere and expectation? Some very heavy words. Excited to see what the Lord has in store for you in 2011.

Sandra Heska King said...

I love those words.

Climbing with you. You're collecting quite a group. We better grab the ropes and tie ourselves together!