30 December 2010

Sharing one heartbeat

God has called me to live my faith out loud, and that living takes place in a variety of layers, levels and ways.

We live in flesh even while we walk in step with the Spirit.

There is a small group of people that I can “do life” with in a visible, real-life, day to day manner. I can hold on to their hands when we pray and look into their eyes.
A woman typing on a laptopImage via Wikipedia

But these touchable ones are not the only people who know me. Connections have been forged in the past year with people I have only seen in photographs, with voices I have never heard, yet our hearts seem to share the same rhythm as we all seek to hear and move to the heartbeat of our Father.

I wish to honor and thank these precious ones who have taken the time to speak truth and life into my spirit, both directly in comments and emails and indirectly through the words they blog describing their own journeys. Their words of encouragement have kept me focused on the eyes of my Lord and His call for me to pour forth the words He places in my heart.

Here, in no order of importance but alphabet are these special ones.  Take some time to visit their blogs where you will find them living their faith out loud for the world to see!

Billy @ Billy Coffey
Bonnie @ Faith Barista
Emily @ In the Hush of the Moon
Glynn @ Faith, Fiction, Friends
Jason @ Connecting to Impact
Jay @ Soulfari
Sandy @ Sandra Heska King

There are more, so many others I can not name them all now, but shall continue to point you in their direction in the year ahead.


Glynn said...

What a list to be included in - and to be called out by you. I'm humbled. Thank you.

dude said...

Thank you. Honored and humbled...wishing you a blessed New Year!

Anonymous said...

Karin, thank you so much. The feeling is mutual. I appreciate your heart, honesty, and obedience to the Father. There's much more and we'll only get there together. I'm so blessed.

Sandra Heska King said...

Oh, my sweet friend. I am speechless. You are such a blessing, and I'm honored to call you my real friend. Heart to heart. One day, hopefully, face to face. Love doing life and walking the path with you. Thank you.

Michael said...

You have such a wonderful heart for people. Thank you for being a blessing to us all.