07 December 2010


Today was blurred
fuzzy around edges
usually sharp
feathers instead of
and here am I
in moments soft,
muted, sacred
knowing not only His
but His heart
hold me
as I choose to linger
long in the stillness
of His shadow
where peace

Stop by One Stop Poetry to read more One Shots


dude said...

His peace descends and softens our hard edges! Wonderful message!

Glynn said...

"to linger long in the stillness" -- yes, indeed. To linger long. Good poem.

Anonymous said...

You have captured the joys of unity and being in the moment - the poem is so soft and delicate.

Billy Coffey said...

That was beautifully done!

Laura said...

**deep sigh**

lingering with you.

Melissa Campbell said...

Ah, peace and rest...Beautiful!

Claudia said...

where peace descends...love your writing and the one who's able to do this..

Brian Miller said...

linger...linger...there is peace in that shadow...smiles.

Anonymous said...

lovely that you gently inject this with the spiritual, nothing overzealous or preachy about it. I appreciate that subtlety. Not enough really meaningful poetry around (except love poetry but geez like we need more of that). Love this imagery -

feathers instead of


Luke @ WordSalad

Bubba said...

Brr! That picture makes me chilly!

Nice One Shot!

DeLi said...

i feel that soft, sacred mute moments, with that image!