20 September 2008

Cafe Chat Week of September 20th

Kim posed another good question this week:

Colossians 3:23-24 states, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

This verse is the inspiration for today’s question.

How would your life look differently if you embraced and believed fully what the verse in Colossians states? If the truth above is something you already believe and actively live out, how does this truth make a difference in your life?

A few years ago, I was so struck by this scripture that I printed it out in a fancy font, framed it and have it hanging behind my desk at work. I truly do believe that my God wants me to know I make a difference in the world. I need not seek man's approval for I already have the approval of my Father. I am working for Jesus, whether I am doing a fund raising project, giving counsel and support to a weary caregiver, speaking about various aspects of dementia, serving in church, or taking care of my home. All things and everything I do, I do for Him.

I need to remember that when I am tired and don't really want to do the job anymore it is God who placed me here. In obedience, I will continue to attempt to bloom where He has planted me. Even when I don't understand, I will trust that He knows exactly what He's doing.

Join us at Cafe Chat and share your answer to this weeks questions.


Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

You reminded me of a stone in my backyard that we placed when we first moved to this state.

It says, "Bloom where God plants you." I see it all the time, but have failed to look at it in a long time. :-)

sailorcross said...

You and I are on the same wavelength again!

I was just going to do the cafe chat, and I saw that you had posted, so I stopped over to see what you had written.

I feel the exact same way--no matter what work I am involved with at the time--my job, my home, my children (even though they are grown, they are still needful), a patient at work who may need a little extra attention, crafting something--I try to do the best of my ability because this is the work that God has set before me.


I like Chel's comment--"Bloom where God plants you."

Anonymous said...

I think that "obedience" is a great word to use. A good reminder that we just need to get it done. :)