08 September 2015

turn and return

early morning quiet time…

Behold, how good and pleasant it is 
when brothers dwell in unity!

yet I see factions
fractures, war
I see bitterness and strife
bickering, words of blame, shame

Look – it doesn’t take much illumination
to see not My reflection
but the face of evil

when the world looks at you
who shall they see?

turn then, turn
for I Am ever gracious
turn and return
for I Am the Lord of restoration
and I will cleanse you
and I will heal you
and I will teach you again
and again
and again
the better way
the way of love

this is the door to My heart
where I invite all of My children
to dwell, in one place
with one mind
and one spirit

together, in Me
of Me, for Me