25 July 2014


we are sorting through our life
in natural and physical ways
discarding, donating, gifting, selling and packing
there is the packing away
box after box after box
the wrapping, stacking, storing 
for a future time continues

but now also begins
the packing to go
sorting, stacking, sifting

with only two bags
and 40 kilograms each
books and other heavy things
must be selected with much thought
choosing the must haves
the wants and the maybes
preparing for two years
in the new, unknown
like walking blind
takes more faith than skill
I am leaning on the wisdom of those
who have walked a similar road
knowing that one day
I too will leave a trail of crumbs behind
for someone else to follow

He is sending me
He is taking me
I am packing Him
breathing in Him
loving Him with all my heart 
and with all my soul 
and with all my strength

Love God, your God, with your whole heart: 
love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you've got!

Velvet Ashes: encouragement for women serving overseas 
linking up at The Grove at Velvet Ashes talking about packing



Unknown said...

So glad that this theme coincides with your life right now. It's such a big, big process. But you're right, you're packing Him with you. He goes before and behind you, hemming you in, right there WITH you!

Sandra Heska King said...

This is getting more real day by day. Please tell me you'll have internet access there.