03 August 2010

Tuesdays Unwrapped - Birthday Word from my Father

A gateway to a new year.

When Rick brought me my morning coffee I told him I was going to give myself a treat and stay in bed instead of following my usual discipline of moving to my special chair in the living room, opening my journal and spending time with my Lord. After all, it's my birthday and I thought I deserved to be lazy and sleep a bit more.

I'm glad that I listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit instead of my flesh, and rising I took my place by the window with pen in hand.

Happy birthday, little one, for this is the anniversary of the day your earthly life began - a day and a life I had planned at a time before time - and you were brought forth for such a time as this.

Today is a day to know you are cherished - and though you will never again feel the arms of your father of flesh - you can always and ever run into My arms - and they are arms of love.

Take heart and be encouraged, child, for many things will take place that will surprise and amaze you - even so, why should My power surprise you? Do you not yet believe I Am the God of all possibilities?

What is your desire for the year ahead, little one? What would you wish to see in the days before you?

I want to learn more fully Lord, how to surrender who I believe myself to be, so that I might be a better reflection of Who You Are. I want a shower of cleansing to wash away the dirt of this world, the mud that the enemy flings at me; to step into a new level of holiness; to accept whatever call You choose for me, without complaint; to see with new spiritual eyes and hear your heart. I want to want more and more and more of You.

Child, you are choosing what is both the simplest and the most difficult way, indeed the way of the cross - where flesh dies and the spirit thrives.

Remember what you have asked for this day - for the One you have asked Is faithful.

Come on over to Emily's Chatting at the Sky where we unwrap moments that bless our hearts.


katdish said...

That's just awesome. A very happy birthday to you!

Stacey said...

I would like that, too!

Happy Birthday!

dude said...

Happy Birthday! I love it when the Father speaks and reaffirms who we are in Him!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Beautiful...happy birthday!

Michael Perkins said...

Happy birthday.

Awesome stuff!

gretchen said...

Girl!! have a wonderful God given big birthday to you!

Billy Coffey said...

Wow, that was wonderful. And happy birthday!

Duane Scott said...

Happy birthday! (I know I'm late)