31 August 2010

On, In and Around Mondays - August Ends

Tomatoes change from green to yellow to orange to brilliant red and we slice them thick on toasted bread. We know too well the season's brevity, how rare is the flavour ripened on the vine.
Yesterday we harvested the last of the corn, cutting, bagging and sealing away the freshness for future times of feasting.

Leaves have begun to shower down like rain, landing on my shoulders and head as I stand in the yard. Yet there is time still to relish the flowers that burst forth in colours that should have new names to describe their beauty.
These are again days of rain. The air is chilled and damp. Low pressure systems move through leaving people with throbbing heads and achy joints.

Everything in us seems to resist change, even as it is upon us. Lord help us to release our days into Your more than capable hands.

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Written as part of L. L. Barkat's On, In and Around Mondays . Read more here at Seedlings in Stone.


katdish said...

It's still incredibly hot and muggy here and will be for some time, but I'll enjoy the weather change vicariously through you. Beautiful pics!

sailorcross said...

Beautiful photography and awesome "word pictures"!! It's been in the 90's here this week...not so humid and muggy..so relief is in sight!!

I love the fall with all the wondrous colors...who but God would have thought of this? No one..that's who!!

I'm going to have to try your pickle recipe...mine tasted totally salty this year...don't know why...

And also time to make up another batch of hot pepper jelly...I've taken a jar of this to many places and always come home with none!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


dude said...

Beautiful thoughts to muse about. The seasons change and so do I...thankfully His love for us does not. Thanks for sharing!

Mama K said...

hmmm, yes, I really do resist change, and I am in serious denial that summer may be ending soon. I echo your prayer that I will trust the times to His hands. Thank you for reminding me.

L.L. Barkat said...

My two favorite summer things... tomatoes and corn! Rain is welcome some days. :)

Thanks for sharing with us and linking to Seedlings. :)

Duane Scott said...

When I was in Africa, they had this cool little song using this verse. And a dance to go with it.

I wish I could dance and sing it for you right now. :)