back in March
I joined a movement
to smash a love idol
the need to please
anyone, anything
but my Lord
a cross of ashes
began a time
of letting go, shaking
off, breaking loose
to live free
between the dust
of forming and the dust
of dying
hunger for approval
prowled, scratched
knocked with uncommon
intensity, making itself
known in deviousness
the Holy Spirit held
a mirror, reflecting
heart deep, exposing
dark, need, ego
resurrection Sunday dawned
clouded, chilled
but as always filled
with unstoppable light
even when unseen
I live here, between
the forming
and the dying
purposed on freedom
yes, the idol still knocks
with predictable vigor
and tenacity
with Christ risen, alive
in me and stubbornness
of my own, like a child
sticking fingers in my ears
I will not listen
I will not answer
unless and until
I hear my Shepherd's
true voice
Those Holy Spirit mirrors. They're the worst. ;)
We live between the forming and the dying... and the becoming.
SO powerful, Karin. Wow. the lines Sandy mentioned were powerful.
We were just reading John Chapter 10 about the Shepherd's voice yesterday. We WILL hear his voice.
Beautiful, Karin. I'm a little more than 1/2 way through Jennifer's book and it truly is powerful. Blessings to you.
Yes, yes...
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