18 April 2014

Good Friday clouds

By now it was noon. The whole earth became dark, 
the darkness lasting three hours—a total blackout. 
The Temple curtain split right down the middle. 
Jesus called loudly, “Father, I place my life in your hands!” 
Then he breathed his last. 

I set my self
in silence, dark
to imagine what 
we can not
even in the thickness
of clouds cover, we
who have chosen Him
will ever see light

Sunday is just around the corner friends...

Whitespace Community Linkup @ faithbarista.com

joining Bonnie and friends finding whitespace



Denise said...


~ Dorothy said...

Beautiful words.

~ Dorothy

Lisa Lewis said...

beautiful clouds, beautiful encouragement. thank you for sharing...

Jennifer Dougan said...

Happy Easter, Hisfirefly!

Your line here is encouraging: " even in the thickness
of clouds cover, we
who have chosen Him
will ever see light."

Ahh, our God who shows us the way even in obscured moments.

Jennifer Dougan

BARBIE said...

AMEN! Happy Easter!