03 April 2014

no comparison

Jesus carried the instrument 
of His own destruction
weary beneath the weight
already bloody, beaten
willing to be willing
to bend to the will
of His Father
our Father

and I am asked
to carry my cross
yet what weight
is there that He did not
already bear
only what I allow
when I refuse to live 
in Him
through Him
for Him

so I pray
to be willing
to be willing
to bend to His will

it is surrender then 
that is my cross
weighing nothing
and everything
the only cost
my life entire

and even then
I can't compare
the price
to the gift
freely given
already received

it is thanksgiving then
that is my cross
may I carry it
with praise

jamming with Bonnie



Unknown said...

A picture of the cross we sometime forget. Beautiful. :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

A very good reminder....and so true.

Denise said...


Melissa said...

Well said. Thanks for this reminder!

David Rupert said...

We almost forget the cross these days. We dont put them on our churches. IT's almost like we are ashamed. thanks for reminding me

Trudy said...

So beautiful, Karin. Thank you.