28 February 2014

seeing the ugly idols

Bonnie asked us to share what we are learning about ourselves
at the same time Jennifer Dukes Lee is challenging us
to uncover and face our love idols then surrender them
during Lent and all the days that follow

it isn't easy to look at ugly
and particularly difficult
when the ugly is our own
fully rooted and thriving

I continue to discover how deep
my need to gain approval
of my heart, my thoughts
my words
when I look honestly
I see myself
leaning too hard on comments
virtual pats on the back
blog followers, social networking ego kisses

I think perhaps I write less than I could
or should, permitting fear
to block the flow

for if there is no output to be judged
I won't have to confront the possibility
that my words don't sing to the hearts of others
that my words have no weight, no power
no place to bear fruit

silly, that

for the words are not mine anyway
I have surrendered them
to Him, allowing Him to set the pace
the meter, message,
I am simply a pen
in His hand, the words
already pre-approved

I covet your prayers
as I take this time to soak in truth
allowing it to saturate my heart
silencing seductive lies
and together may we learn
how deep, how wide, how everlasting
is the love He lavishes freely upon us

And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:18 The Message

jamming with Bonnie


Brian Miller said...

its a journey...i had to learn to let go of some of that fear to allow my writing just to go...

and you know the only approval you need, so...smiles.

hooahsgirl said...

Love this :) your encouragement was a sweet reminder in my inbox this morning. An answer to my prayers. Thank you. And I love your post on stillness. How very true your words. I am actually training for a half marathon right now and you are so correct!!

Trudy said...

Wow, Karin. You just spoke my heart. Joining you on the journey to quiet those negative voices. Please keep the writing coming. :)

Joy Lenton said...

This, "I see myself
leaning too hard on comments
virtual pats on the back
blog followers, social networking ego kisses" could be me too ~ gulp!
Though God is slowly teaching me to trust that not only will He inspire but He will also make sure those who need to read will do so.
And I am slowly learning to stop looking, stop counting, stop being anxious over it. Which is a hugely freeing thing.
Karin, you touch on so much here that I can identify with. Narrowing my 'love idol' down to one thing will be tricky! Thank you for this helpful word. Such a blessing! :) x

Nannette said...

So gritty and real...and right where I am too! Great post on #loveidols!