01 October 2010

Moments of awe - in 55

Moments still
take me
by surprise

Late evening’s coyote chorus
curls in the edge of a leaf
as it tumbles
to the ground
in the crackle
of finality

Fireball of sun
streaking sky with glory
as it fades

The gentle tug
in my spirit
by the One Who says
I made this all for you”

Stop by and visit at G-Man's place where people share stories in 55 words.


Brian Miller said...

excited to see you in the 55s! i love those moments of awe...esp at the sound of that voice...smiles. nice 55!

herbhalstead said...

wow, the beautiful irony of this part:

"Fireball of sun
streaking sky with glory
as it fades"

well done

dude said...

I love "wonder" moments...like the one you just shared!

Sandra Heska King said...

Gasp! I counted the words.

I love the "coyote chorus curls . . . in the crackle of finality." All that first part.

I love every word. I need to go see what's magic about 55.

This poem is magic, for sure!

PattiKen said...

Lovely 55 and wonderful picture to go with it.

Connie Arnold said...

That's so lovely!

moondustwriter said...

I love those still moments as well. There is that whisper and you know the hand that made it all possible

so glad you did a 55

Moon smiles