04 October 2010

On, In and Around Mondays - Rest Stops

Long hours on the highway, the white lines moving off into the distance forever. We talk. We worship. We're on the road.

Traffic, bright sun, fields of corn on both sides. Time passes, legs grow stiff.

What a delight to find rest stops with more than just clean restrooms but places to stretch, walk, breathe and celebrate the beauty the Lord created, for both Himself and His children to enjoy.

Leaves transforming into brilliance as they die and surprise views where the sound of the highway the only reminder of it close proximity.

Even short moments here bring true rest and refreshing. Then we travel on.

For more On, In and Around Mondays stop by L. L. Barkat's Seedlings in Stone


katdish said...

Beautiful, Karin. We don't have much fall here. Thanks for sharing a bit of your view.

Unknown said...

glorious. I remember watching the sunset over the black rocks outside of sedona arizona at a much needed rest stop and thinking ... this this is why we need to be still

dude said...

When the rest stops are filled with His beauty and presence...then we get true rest!

Thanks Karin!

Duane Scott said...

I'm coming to hang out with you. Soon.

L.L. Barkat said...

I loved that poetic ending...

then we travel on.

I like the resting. Sometimes it's hard for me to get up and continue the journey.

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

I always think the noise of the interstate is tragic superimposed on the beauty of most rest stops.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

your blog is super cute and enjoyable!
love the thoughtfulness in your words...