19 October 2010

One Word Carnival - Condemnation

I stand accused
in my own eyes
projecting guilt
into the minds of others.

Perhaps they do judge me
more likely they are
busy, as am I
in self-critique.

In this
I find I am in opposition
to the very One
Whom I adore.

I am, we are
as the woman caught
to whom He extended His love

When Jesus raised Himself up, He said to her, Woman, where are your accusers? Has no man condemned you? She answered, No one, Lord! And Jesus said, I do not condemn you either. Go on your way and from now on sin no more. John 8:10-11 Amplified

Shall I then
to deny such grace?

Shall I reduce
to nothing
His sacrifice?
Or perhaps add
yet another nail
to His cross?

No, let not
my own tears
wash away
the blood
He shed to cover me.

Not lost, but found.
Not bound, but free.

Join Bridget's Carnival for more words about Condemnation


Anonymous said...

I love this post! It links very well into what I wrote in mine today. Thank you for sharing

jasonS said...

Beautiful, Karin. A hearty 'amen' to that!

dude said...

Our accusers have been silenced!

Beautiful expression of that thought!
Thanks Karin!

Shelby and Bev said...

this is beautiful, just what i needed to hear...

Stephanie Wetzel said...

So beautiful and thought-provoking!

Tony A said...

"I stand accused
in my own eyes
projecting guilt
into the minds of others."

Wow, that is absolutely a profound opening. I love, love, love this!

Lisa notes... said...

Oh, this is good. And convicting! "Shall I reduce
to nothing
His sacrifice?"

Thanks for putting your thoughts down in this way. Excellent.

Anonymous said...

No, let not
my own tears
wash away
the blood
He shed to cover me.

WOW! This is really, really where I am right now.

Hazel I. Moon said...

Often in our own eyes, we stand condemned, but He clothes us in His robe of righteousness and sees in us NO fault for He has covered it all.

~*Michelle*~ said...

WOW.....beautiful! And it couldn't come at a better time.....

I am just entering a new place of understanding of what the Cross and Nails really mean to me.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps add
yet another nail
to His cross?

I hadn't thought of it in this way. OUCH! Thanks for a wonderful lesson.

caryjo said...

"No, let not
my own tears
wash away
the blood
He shed to cover me."
