26 October 2010

Storms forming...

This is what is waiting around the corner, perhaps only hours away, or days, but sure to come and always sooner than we'd like. Rain all day turning to snow tonight and lots of it.

It seems that more often than not, our first snow of the season isn't a scattering but a measureable accumulation. I shouldn't complain, however, but praise God that at least it's the end of October and not the beginning. Here's a look at October 9th last year:

I'm off to town today to shop, not knowing what roads will be like tomorrow. I might be snowed in...

Nowhere to go, stuck in the warmth of my home, time to worship, pray and rest....

Actually, I don't really mind the sound of that.


jasonS said...

Yep, sounds like something to look forward to in my book. :)

The snow I don't mind, the shoveling is what gets me. I shall not complain with you, Karin.

Claudia said...

..stuck in the warmth of a home, time to worship, pray and rest...sounds perfect to me
then i wouldn't mind the snow as well..

dude said...

Not a big fan of snow, but that praying, meditating, worship part sounds pretty good to me!