14 March 2014

friend of silence

We need to find God, 
and he cannot be found 
in noise and restlessness.  
God is the friend of silence.  
See how nature - 
trees, flowers, grass - 
grows in silence; 
see the stars, the moon and the sun, 
how they move in silence.... 
We need silence to be able to touch souls.  
Mother Teresa
Sandra Heska King - Still Saturday
in the stillness with Sandy



Denise said...

So true.

Sandra Heska King said...

Oh, yes! Yes!

caryjo said...

It would be a good thing if I was a quiet person and could hear Him instead of my rapidly flying brain. HE'S the blessing; I'M the putting-up person.

Good sharing...photo and words... as usual.

jviola79 said...

Beautiful photo & quote!!! So glad to have stopped here this morning. Blessings!