07 February 2014

room for tears

This week Diana asks:
Is there room for my tears here? 

my younger self
was never known to cry
perhaps it was scolded out of me
having too often heard
"I'll give you something to cry about"

but my God gave me tears
when I surrendered to Him
my harsh and stoney heart

now I am known
as a woman who weeps
long and deep tears 
born of joy, pain, awe 
and intercession

the tears returned as a gift
to the Giver
the One Who fills
what I empty

I will not return
to the woman I was
no I would not
even if I could
so I answer 
a slightly angled version 
of Diana's question
there is no room here 
for the absence of tears

Diana Trautwein - Living into the Answers

living into answers with Diana



diana said...

Oh, Karin. Thank you for this beauty, for these fine words that bring hope to those who need to cry, to release some tears of their own. So very glad you're along for this journey.

Anonymous said...

...and i've spent most of my life embarrassed because i've always cried too easily.

Denise said...

Such a lovely post.

Joy Lenton said...

A beautiful poetic word, Karin. Being cracked open by grace can feel painful but it makes us more fully human and fully alive unto God. There is no going back for the soul who has tasted of His comfort in our tears and learnt how to be 'Jesus with skin on' for others. Bless you :) x

Anonymous said...

I too have found tears can break open a stony heart. Thanks for these words.


carol longenecker hiestand said...

the tears returned as a gift
to the Giver
the One Who fills
what I empty

oh these are beautiful words.

Jody Lee Collins said...

Karin, just weighing in to this conversation after walking through the valley of our Leah's loss from last week.
I'm always just stilled by the succinct way your words flow in so few, but very powerful, lines.