22 June 2013

Practice leaping

Silence is like a river of grace inviting us to leap unafraid into its beckoning depths. It is dark and mysterious in the waters of grace. Yet in the silent darkness we are given new eyes. In the heart of the divine we can see more clearly who we are. We are renewed and cleansed in this river of silence. There are those among you who fear the Great Silence. It is a foreign land to you. Sometimes it is good to leap into the unknown. Practice leaping.


in the stillness with Sandy


Stefanie Brown said...

What a beautiful and peaceful passage! Thank you for sharing!

Hope your Saturday is still and peaceful...

Unknown said...

This leaping into the unknown can be so incredibly frightening; yet, once we have taken that step with nothing to hold on to, we find the arms of our Lord Jesus ready to catch us!
Much love XX

caryjo said...

Yes, I must forever and ever practice leaping. Thank you, Karin.