dVerse ~ Poets Pub posted today about Foreign Tongues
and suggested we add other languages
(real or imagined) to our work --
Here then is a new seasonal poem:
snow falls
silent victim
to howling winds
caught in the frenzy
seeking solid ground
just as I seek shelter
cupped gently
against your chest
love poured into love
watching the ice freeze
crystal hearts
upon the windows
and here, the same in Portuguese
quedas de neve
vítima silenciosa
a ventos uivantes
pegado no frenesi
ir à deriva
busca de terra sólida
tão como busco a coberta
em forma de xícara suavemente
contra o seu peito
o amor fluiu no amor
observação da geada de gelo
corações cristalinos
sobre as janelas
To let your poetic spirit absorb more even if your mind can't quite understand,
stop by The Poet's Pub
smiles...and may that love pouring heart to heart keep you warm....what a cool found heart that would be on the window as well...pretty cool to try and read it in portugese as well...smiles.
oh wow...really enjoyed this...a winter poem in portuguese, which for me is such a warm and sunny language..great contrast
Nice to see the Portuguese - and to try and get my tongue round it. It is surprising how different Portuguese is form Spanish.
Loved the poem too.
certainly different from Spanish, I enjoyed the lovely winter offering ~
thanks for your share ~
wow. this is lovely, both words and photo. The lines 'love poured into love..' so beautiful, especially in the Portueguese.
the Portuguese words were so pretty
bichon frise
This is so lovely...
...isn't it amazing how many many things we can create in our mind with this season? the falling of snowflakes? the white surrounding? the silence in too much nothingness & dullness? Ah, sigh...
I do really like 'crystal hearts upon the windows.' Enjoyed seeing this poem in two languages.
beautiful. Love into love. how smooth the translation flows, wonderful natural inner rhythm. Outstanding piece. Thanks for sharing with us tonight.
BEAUTIFUL, beautiful...
I like the second stanza so much. Such a peaceful image altogether.
Really lovely - I love the portuguese. Well done. k.
I loved this so much. This prompt has all of us soaring.
Portuguese...I remember listening to Sting's song Fragilidad in Portuguese so long ago, and was transported to those days.
não podemos deixar de ser vítimas que buscam abrigo da neve cristalina :-)
Like the contrast of the cold of nature and the warmth of human love. Nice.
interesting choice of language, i imagine it in something like finnish or icelandic where it is cold =) the embrace is lovely.
I'd have liked to hear the poem in its Portugese version. Any chance of an audio version?
I love the sound of Portugese - such soft sounds, the most romantic of the romance languages I think. A fine job you did with both. Lovely.
Great in either language. Don't know Portuguese, but it sounded beautiful, and like Claudia said, sunny.
Your work speaks emotionally to me where I'm in life right now. Thanks.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
Seeking solid ground... beautiful poem and I love that line. Blessings.
There is something romantic about the snow, like walking together with someone you love when a few snowflakes begin to fall....
You make winter so inviting. Beautiful.
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