God longs for you to have fruitfulness in every area of your life. God is a God of abundance. I pray that He will grant that revelation to you as you read.I know that Jesus said He came to give us abundant life:
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). John 10:10 AmplifiedI believe with all my mind, heart and spirit that Jesus was speaking about more than money, though too often this has been applied simply to finances. I appreciated Prince’s remark:
As we consider abundance, let’s take our focus away from the idea of having a lot of money in the bank. Abundance does not necessarily indicate possessions of large sums of money or property. But it does suggest something that is the opposite of poverty, want and failure.Prince dives into scripture to show us what God has said about His promises and how we must claim them as our own, now, today. As I continued reading, I found myself asking the Lord to reveal His truth, His way, fearing once again the slant of human understanding.
I find myself wishing that God could erase the blackboard in my mind, giving me a clean slate that holds no bias one way or another about contrversial topics, that I could read His Word without recalling the various ways other people have interpreted it.
I cannot blame my discomfort on the author. Derek Prince seems to genuinely desire his readers to receive fresh revelation from the Lord about a subject that has long been misunderstood. I will return to this text many times, I'm sure, prayerfully requesting the Lord to speak.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Chosen Book a division of Baker Publishing Group. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

1 comment:
Derek Prince was one of my spiritual heroes. I first was involved back in the Fall of '69, when deliverance tapes were hitting our country the first time. I was in my mid-20s, and much was revealed. He remained a significant part of my life, even though he made a serious error not long after that... and he did repent and reject it. Overall, he was very straight in his understanding of so many different phases of our life that we must walk through to grow in the Lord. Thanks for sharing. I need to focus on reading your posts more often. Trying to get my life organized so I can keep up with those I respect and am interested in... and still have time to eat and clean the house and prepare my own posts. Life has become very involved on line. Never expected it, but now it's one of my God-jobs. Who'd a thunk it?
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