03 January 2012

The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer

My next plunge into books related to the film Courageous was The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer.  The three sections of the book ask you to explore and understand the following:

This is who I am.
This is what I have.
This is what matters to me.

There is something here for every woman, married or single; childless or raising many.  As Priscilla explains, God had a special reason for creating each one of us.
We were each created by God to do our part.  And if we fail to do it because we don't think it's valuable enough, great loss will be suffered.  Someone, somewhere needs you - in all your uniqueness - to step up to the plate of your calling.
Your creation was supernaturally superintended by Almighty God.  You are extraordinarily significant.
We need to know and understand the person God created us to be and learn to accept her.
Many of us spend so much of our lives wishing or pretending we were somebody different from who we are, we never get to experience the sheer freedom of just being ourselves.
But rediscovering and celebrating the you that God originally created is paramount for any woman who desires to live out her primary purpose.
Priscilla's words helped me move ahead in my journey to be the person God desires me to be, not necessarily who the world asks me to be, not even who I might have chosen for myself to become.

If you want to live with integrity, with purpose and with grace leaving a Godly legacy for others to follow, then this book will surely help you as you move toward those goals.

Book has been provided courtesy of David C Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from B&H Publishing Group.

The opinions I have expressed are my own.


1 comment:

Laura said...

I have enjoyed Priscilla's Bible studies tremendously and will likely pick this one up eventually. Our little group is preparing to start Beth Moore's study on James next week. We've done several by Priscilla in a row and I think I will miss her teaching style. She is a good one.