compassionate, gentle, extraordinary, explosive, revolutionary revelation of Christ’s love.
Catherine de Hueck Doherty - The Gospel Without Compromise
We, though, are going to love—love and be loved.
First we were loved, now we love.
He loved us first.
His love
crazy, passionate, unceasing love
flows in these veins
we were made for this
to walk as His heart on solid ground
leaving His imprint
where we touch, He touches
light shining to glorify His name
for this we were formed
to this we are called
witnesses, testaments
to a love greater than all love
talking about His love at Jason's

walking with Emily in all my imperfection
jamming with Bonnie

His love is greater than all! Visiting from Bonnie's FaithJam.
Excellent points, and lovely poetry!
This writing touched my heart--just exquisite--love it! Happy Valentine's Day.
"We were made for this"
Beautiful reminders. Thanks!
I think this is my first visit to your blog. Thank you for stopping by Heart Choices and leaving your kind comment. I am noticing many blogging friends who have left comments here so I think I want to get to know you better. I also agree with your message. And I love that song. I remember hearing it the first time when Wynona Judd sang it many years ago on the TV show Touched by an Angel.
Blessings and love,
God's love flowing in our veins creates an awesome though that we have more authority than we consider using in this world. Jesus loved us and gave his life for us that we might love others.
He really IS the very best Valentine!
Oh I love that song "testify"! And it's been ages since I've heard it... thanks for the joyful message :)
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