Image by dcdan via Flickr
I have a Benadryl hangover this morning. Took two last night with a prayer that the itching and swelling of 40 billion mosquito bites would cease.
Speaking of mosquitos (yes, again, sorry) I have been told they do indeed have a purpose, they are pollinators. I wish I didn't know that, makes it just a little bit harder to continue hating them.
Speaking of mosquitos (yes, again, sorry) I have been told they do indeed have a purpose, they are pollinators. I wish I didn't know that, makes it just a little bit harder to continue hating them.
I wandered out into the coolness of this morning to wiggle my toes in the wet grass, grateful beyond measure for the land that surrounds our home and supressed the wild urge to break into singing:
"Thank God I'm a country girl!"
The last ten years seem to have washed away any traces of urbanity (is this a word? if not, it should be).
Just noticed a tweet from @visitlpz (visit Lincoln Park Zoo) which is in Chicago and I did just that with my mom just last month. Tweet was "Come nose-to-nose with Holstein dairy cows at the Crown Dairy Barn in the Farm-in-the-Zoo Presented by John Deere at 10:30 a.m."
Face to face with cows is much more real to me now than face to face with buses, or subways, or tall buildings. I need not visit a zoo to see farm animals, merely wander down the road. And as for John Deere? We have neighbors and friends with blood that flows green and yellow!

Life is good, God is great and I'll choose these prairies again and again.
Even with all the mosquitos....

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This was actually very pleasant to read. :) I loved it!
I think some of my best thoughts have come from having a piece of straw sticking out of my mouth.
Just saying!
I'm finding VERY hard to believe that mosquitoes have any purpose but I refuse to argue with God about it. After all, that didn't work with Job did it?
And Cows...well they're "udderly" cool!
@funnyoneliners once tweeted that God made mosquitos so we would slap ourselves!
Did the Benedryl work on the mosquito bites. I may need to know for future...
I read a poem this morning on Impatiens, and immediately thought of the ones we had in our backyard that one year attracted bazillions of mosquitoes. We haven't grown any (Impatiens) since then.
Just another random, disturbing thought...
You know? Pollinating might be overrated.
Identifying here ... love being rural ... even if it means putting up with mosquitoes which we are noted for.
LOL...I totally "get" this post! I used to live in the Prairies too...even though I am a born and bred BC girl. :) My sister was born in Winnipeg and my brother in Regina...can you tell now why I might relate? My parents moved us all back to the land I originated in by the time I was 6, but we visited relatives frequently over the years (mostly in summer) and I attended Bible College in Regina when I was in my late teens/early twenties.
Lovely to "meet" you! Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving an encouraging comment.
You are a prairie girl after my own heart. :))
The mosquitoes are SO bad this year
Mosquitoes are pollinators?? Who knew?
I wish they'd focus on their task, then, instead of biting people and spreading general itchiness and occasional West Nile.
I like Helen's quote :)
I'm a country girl!
Yay for Benadryl. At bedtime only. I've found that hand sanitizer takes away the itch. For a while anyway.
Why is there a terminal "e" in mosquitoes but not in "Cheetos?"
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