15 July 2010

Disturbed, listening, not quite pleasant

Is it Thursday already? Moments turn into hours, melt into days, and another week has passed.

God has been speaking about being "intentional" and living life on purpose, which has very little to do with being "random"... yet...

My thoughts wander where they will, landing lightly in some places, falling with a heavy thud in others.

Focus blurs. I attempt to still my own noise and listen for His greater heartbeat.

He says:

Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God

and He says:

I don't think the way you think. The way you work isn't the way I work." God's Decree."For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think. Isaiah 55:9 The Message

I will take my comfort there. To know that He is God and I am not. For that and so much more, I am truly filled to overflowing with thanksgiving.

Join in the randomness of Pleasantly Disturbed Thursdays at Duane Scott's


dude said...

Wonderful, the pictures match the thoughts so well. He alone is God...thankfully!

Missie said...


Shelby and Bev said...

oh, i like this post, very much! just a reminder that he is god, and we are not...his ways are not our ways...
thanks for this message...

jasonS said...

Love this.Important thoughts and beautiful pictures. Thanks Karin.

Savira Gupta said...

Beautiful pictures and thoughts. Thank You for stopping by and your sandwich does sound interesting!

Tammy@Fear Not said...

I stopped this way before and every time I stumble on your place here, I'm blown away by your encouraging words. They always point right back up and make the day seem lighter than when I came. Thanks.

Anne Lang Bundy said...

Living life on purpose.

I got that. It's been a struggle to quiet my spirit sometimes, but I think your words define what that will take. Thanks. : )

Duane Scott said...

Beautiful! Just really great thoughts. I'm glad the randomness brought this out in you. :)

Sandra Heska King said...

Stunning! This made me stopped me in my tracks.