20 July 2010

Tuesdays Unwrapped - On the water

My husband Rick and I were blessed to partake of an overnight away with friends at their cottage on a lake about 1-1/2 hours from home.

We enjoyed food, fellowship and time cruising in their speedboat.

In the majesty of all He has created for us to enjoy I knew I would find many moments to cherish.

Journaling this morning, this is what my Lord shared:

Keep hold of peace.
Keep hold of Me.

I let you ride on smooth and choppy waters - but I never let you out of My sight or care. I never let you go. I Am in the waves.

Just as you laughed like a little child at the fun of the speed and turning, so too do I ask you to laugh in the midst of storms - know that I Am with you - even when you cannot see Me.

How can you know? Simply because I have promised - and I Am not a man that I should lie. I Am faithful to My Word. What I have said, that shall I do.

God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what He has promised]. Has He said and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good? Numbers 23:19 Amplified

Come vist Emily at Chatting at the Sky and share the special moments that you've unwrapped.


Shelby and Bev said...

god's word is full of power...thanks for the encouragement...

Beth in NC said...

That is beautiful little firefly! :o) I LOVE that our Father can't lie. Hallelujah!

Bless you!

dude said...

Keep hold of peace. Keep hold of Me...awesome promise! Thanks for sharing this encouragement with us.

Southern Gal said...

Praising Him with you.

Duane Scott said...

Gorgeous pic! I want to go there!