From the time I was a young girl words have delighted me; the look of them, the sound of them, the ways I could fit them together like puzzle pieces. I cannot remember a time when I did not have the desire to write. As a reader, I would cherish books not merely for content but for the way the words played off each other.
During all the years that I walked without knowing the Lord's hand was upon me, I used my words to serve my flesh and the world. With incredible patience, He called and waited and called again. When I stopped running from His voice and surrendered I knew He would have a use for my words, and that He would be the One Who would provide them.
I remember the day I received Christ, driving alone in my car, confessing out loud "Lord, if you want me to write about this journey, give me the words. If You do not, I will be silent."
He Was and Is as always, faithful, and the words continue to come.
My desire has been to use the gifts He has given for Kingdom purposes, indeed a High Calling.
I began blogging in January of 2008 to share moments of the short-term mission trip we took to Uganda. I have connected with many in the family of faith through Christian sites, writing for Exemplify Online and Internet Cafe Devotions. Through it all, His call remains, to glorify His name.
When 2010 began the Lord told me this would be for me a year of acceleration and a year to break free of the fear of man. I knew He was asking me to continue to speak out for Him without worrying about who might want to read the words. We are more than halfway through this year, and He has led me to join The High Calling Blogs Network. I felt at home immediately, among many I already know and others I look forward to meeting. Together we can support, encourage and remind each other that as scribes we are surrendered to the One Who never stops calling.
May it be said of us:
My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1 NKJV
In my journaling time this morning, this is what my Lord shared with me:
Thank you for standing for Me - even when your flesh would rather run. Can you see, little one, how this indeed is helping you walk out of the prison of "the fear of man"?
I told you this would be the year, and I Am true to My words.
Continue to stretch out your wings, for when you are truly free in Me, nothing will be able to hold you.
Continue to surrender your wings to Me as I shape you into a vessel prefected for My purposes.
Continue to spread out your wings to touch others with the words I give you, spoken or written - you are a pen in My hand.
Continue to have those wings in a ready position p for when the currents and winds of My Spirit flow beneath you - you will fly, child, wait and see how you will fly.
Free in Me - free to be
giving up all - to gain all
to live like an eagle
unafraid of falling
created to see
surrendered to Me
released from the bondage
of sin and flesh

Your journal entry was beautiful.
beautiful words, I am excited to see how God uses you with higher calling!
Oh, yes - a "ready writer!" This spring at a ladies retreat, a friend shared that verse with me. Funny, I've read the Psalms many times over and somehow had missed it before. All in God's timing.
So glad His timing led you to us!
I've always liked that verse ... and your words.
Absolutely beautiful. I want to fly with you and Him!
There is a U2 song in which Bono sings, "I was born to sing for you". This post made me think of that verse with a twist, You were born to write for Him.
Beautiful journey! Can't wait to see what happens next.
Love that verse. Love getting to know you.
I am moved by your words as I feel the Lord doing a similar work in me. Keep writing and be blessed!
Thrilled to read about how joined the HighCallingBlogs network. I've already seen you commenting and participating in our community of bloggers, but I somehow missed your story until today.
Your love of writing, submitted to Christ for His work...what a beautiful way you are living out your high calling with every word.
Love the translation you included of the verse from Psalm 45:
My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psalm 45:1 NKJV
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