This morning, this was the subject of my journaling time.
Lord, what is Your desire for prayer ministry in this season? As one who wants to pray into Your Kingdom plans, how should I proceed?
Listen --
And my I-Pod began playing Brian Doerksen's song Refiner's Fire "purify my heart".
Okay Lord, I hear that, and know we must come before You with pure hearts.
Yes, and thankful hearts, for surely you have much to be thankful for and I cherish your praises.
Listen - less talking - more listening - even as the quiet waiting may feel strange or uncomfortable. I sometimes find it hard to be heard in all of your chattering.
If you come to Me filled with your own understanding, how can I teach you?
If you already know what you're looking for, how can I show you something new?
Listen. Wait. Let My Spirit move you. Laugh. Weep. Pace. Dance. Release the words He gives you - even if only He can understand. For I tell you, the Holy Spirit will interpret the mysteries of your prayers.
The Spirit works to both explain Me to you - and explain you to Me - a conduit working in both directions - a highway you can choose to travel straight to My heart.
Are you willing to come?
So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
Romans 8:26 Amplified