I have designed this e-course for people who wish to take the next step in their creative lives. Whether you need a creative boost, need the motivation to begin that large creative project, or simply wish to lead a more creative life, the exercises provided in this course will help to pave the way for maximum creativity in your life.
Image by Aelle via Flickr
Lord, I see bite marks and jagged edges on the frisbee.
Yes, for that is where the hounds of the enemy have joined the game, trying as they might to distract, delay or abort this divine exchange. Where I offer freedom, he would keep you bound.
The chains are broken, the dogs are powerless - let Us continue to play.
This is what home looks like now -- prairie life, open space, greens and golds and brilliant blue. Mountains surround our region of Manitoba, setting us apart from the usual flatlands.
It is the hand of God that has directed my steps and as I submit to Him I am filled with the peace of knowing I am placed where He desires, whether for a season or a lifetime.
His heart led us to journey to Africa, and it will be by His direction that we return there -- or perhaps He has a totally different plan that He has not yet revealed. I am unwrapping the blessing of His divine placement. Let me take root in His house, wherever He chooses to plant me.
But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. Psalm 92:12-14 NLT
Join Emily at Chatting at the Sky and let us know what you've unwrapped today
Petition is a legal term that implies an approach to an authority to obtain certain provisions that are promised. Our relationship with God is guaranteed by Christ, and firmly rooted in a covenant - the New covenant of his Blood. When we pray the prayer of petition, we are not making a demand on a fickle person who is governed by either whim, or weather. Rather, we approach a covenant God who has sealed His promise with the very life of His Son. "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32) So we no longer need to try to earn God's favour, but simply come to Him on the merits of Christ's work at Calvary, and there, on the basis of this covenant, make our petition. These petitions are made, not in out own name, but in the name of Jesus.Prayers of petition are specific, and as Dennis stated, they are requests for things that God has already promised.
The primary purpose we gather is for the glory of Christ and the blessing of the nations. To seek God and exalt His Son for one reason only, because He is worthy. The day is approaching when everything will be subject to His glory. We are motivated by who He is not what we will get from our coming togetherAs the coordinator for this region of Manitoba it is easy to feel as if I am run ragged and stretched thin, but I turn again and again to the words of Paul which remind me:
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9 NKJV
I am excited to see where the Lord will lead us this year as we gather in His name.