I longed to run from the constant company of others to the lavish silence and space of my Father's arms. How much energy is consumed trying to hold back wings that ache to soar?
After a week away from home, there are chores to be done, errands to run and people to see. But all will wait, by His design.
Winter's hand still rests heavy upon our region of Canada, with snow and freezing rain blowing in winds that shift the landscape. Of our two vehicles, only one can safely navigate the drifts and icy roads.
So here am I, left at home, a happy captive. When we neglect rest we often find it cast upon us.
My mind turns to a deeper place. I sit and watch the birds, hungry at the feeders. I listen for the still, small voice the world would chase away. I read. I pray. I worship the One Who arranged this time to simply breathe.
Rest while you may. There is always work ahead.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5 NIV

Jamming with Bonnie as we continue to ponder rest.
Stop by Emily's to read more words imperfect.

There is always work ahead---so true! It feels like spring is really here in CO, but I'm hoping for one more big storm so I, too, can be a happy captive for a day or two.
"How much energy is consumed trying to hold back wings that ache to soar?"
You know, most people wouldn't even have to hold themselves back.
You got God on the brain....
and I like it. :)
"I worship the One Who arranged this time to simply breathe."...ah yes! Love the times when we can simply be...listening...loving and worshipping...beautiful photos also
Visiting from Imperfect Prose ... this was so beautiful! I identify with your thoughts ... thanks for sharing.
"But all will wait, by His design."....this is so true...God always has a way of giving us rest...when we will not grasp it ourselves...:-)
How much energy is consumed trying to hold back wings that ache to soar?
love, love, love this....
"So here am I, left at home, a happy captive. "
Oh, I love being in that place, too FireFly. I need to find my way there this week. :) Hubby has been away on a biz trip. LOL.
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