02 March 2011

Choosing gratitude


The morning chill invades my bones
but I thank the Lord for the shelter of home
choosing gratitude today.

My heart flutters, aches, grieves
but I thank the Lord for the gift of emotions
choosing gratitude today.

My mind races with wild imaginings
but I thank the Lord for the ability to think
choosing gratitude today.

I can focus on all I do not possess
but I thank the Lord for all He has provided
choosing gratitude today.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17 NIV


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Simple. Short. Powerful. Thanks HFF for a well-meaning post.

dude said...

Yes, I must choose to be grateful...Jay

Linda said...

Hi, I just found your blog by way of Cassandra's Moonboat Cafe blog. I read a number of your posts about Africa -- and oh, my heart knows what your heart feels!

I lived in Africa for 8 years. I arrived there with many tears because it was not my idea to leave my young adult kids right out of college -- it was God and my husband that shouted "Africa!" Nevertheless, God proved the truth of His Word which says those who go out weeping will return with songs of joy!

Bless you for being willing to let God show you the way into His plans for you in Africa. I'm looking forward to following your blog!
