25 March 2011

Turning from, turning to...

In my quiet time, sitting in my Jesus chair, the Lord led me to turn to the following passage of Scripture:

For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not Isaiah 30:15 NKJV

Then He shared the following words:

Will you turn away from the peace I offer to seek the approval of man?

The noise of the world can not give to you, in hours and days and years, what even a moment in My presence provides.

I Am strengthening you in ways of which you are not yet aware, fortifying stress points, so that when I call you to stand you will be able, not because of who you are, but because of Who I Am.

I want there to come a day, little one, when you do not have to discern about yourself: "what is Him and what is my self?" for it will all be Me.  We will be that united and you will be that surrendered.

Your surrender is an offering
your obedience a gift
There is nothing I treasure more than these.


dude said...

Thanks Karin...needed that reminder today!

Linda said...

Oh, that is the cry of my heart, too: "I want there to come a day, little one, when you do not have to discern about yourself: 'what is Him and what is my self?' for it will all be Me. We will be that united and you will be that surrendered."

You and your words have richly blessed me today. Thank you!


Sandra Heska King said...

Go to remember He is working behind the scenes when we just rest in Him and wait. Thanks for this.