It feels as if I went to sleep on a winter's night and just awakened to the middle of summer. How it is already the middle of July shocks and yet pleases me.
We have been harvesting peas; Mr. Bigs, Lincoln Homesteaders, Green Arrows, sugar snaps and snow peas. The first precious sealer bags are in the freezer.

Hints of ripeness appear on the raspberries. Our crabapple trees, though old, weary and calling to be chopped down, are still bringing forth fruit. May the same be said of me one day, when I am struggling with my last years, hours, moments here on this earth.

The house is a riot of colour, purples, pinks and greens delight my eyes as well as the butterflies and hummingbirds.

What a joy to soak in the beauty of all our God has created!
“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” Revelation 4:11 NLT 
I'm joining Linda this week for
Saturday on the Farm. Come share what's growing in your part of the world.
We woke up to refreshing rain this morning. It's an emotional relief really. Your pictures are beautiful. I wondered if you have tried making raspberry leaf tea? I read this week about how picking leaves, pouring boiling water over and steeping for a bit, then pouring over ice. I suppose some sugar would be good. Have you tried this?
No, I've never heard of this.
Now I'll have to google this, pick some leaves and try it when I have the extra time.
Thanks :-)
Your thoughts on that old apple tree are so true! May we all bring forth fruit (much fruit) in our aging years...for HIS glory! It's all about HIM! Your harvest sounds lovely...we are hoping for some carrots and corn, but not for awhile (BC is a little behind in its growing season). It's our first year growing veggies and we are beginning small. :)
I have "riots of color here also...but it's piles of laundry...does that count?
" . . . still bringing forth fruit. May the same be said of me one day, when I am struggling with my last years, hours, moments here on this earth."
You're reading my mind.
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