So call me a loonie and I'll accept that as a compliment. Out in left field? A bit askew? Over the top? Off the deep end? I'll receive them all, with a smile and "thank you very much". I want to be smack dab in the center of God's perfect will and that may often look upside down to the world. It looks funny to me too most of the time, but I'm learning to ask Him to allow me to see through His eyes.
Speaking of eyes, mine have been busy reading too many books at once, while my mind twitches with thoughts of reviews I should be writing.
I just finished the novel Priceless by Tom Davis (the CEO of Children's Hope Chest) and cannot yet put into words how my spirit was stirred. Is child slavery and sex trafficking alive and well in Russia and the rest of our world? Too alive and far too well, and we can't allow the devil to continue to have his way. Pray with me that the Lord gives me the words He desires me to write, in His timing.
I am pages from the end of Pete Wilson's book Plan B and have heard the voice of God speak over and over through Pete's words. This is a book that will bring clarity, comfort and hope to those who find themselves on the flip side of where they thought their life would be. The good news is that God is still there. More on this to follow...
There are more books stacked and waiting to be opened, while grass cries to be cut and mosquitos drool waiting for me to answer the call so they may have their way with me yet again. I wish they would be a bit more random in their choice of blood options.
Yes, they are God's creatures... I know.. I know...

I'm wondering if a US $1.00 coin should be named a Turkey...hmmm.
I love the call of the loon!
I also have too many reading projects going on at once! Drives me crazy sometimes. And so many writing ideas come from reading. I feel like my mind is cluttered.
Or maybe I'm just looney. Heheee.
My heart is leaping with excitement as I look over your blog. First, I thought about a very recent conversation I had with my husband about fireflies. I grew up in the states in Georgia, and never called them anything except "lightning bugs" until I moved to Virginia. Ha!
Then I saw the scripture in your header and it reminded me of several posts I've written with that same verse... cool!
And finally, my my husband is Canadian, so the loonies made me smile.
Welcome to the HCB network!
Hey... I just found you through High Calling Blogs and noticed your thoughts here about human trafficking after finishing Tom Davis' book. He's a great dude, and has an amazing ministry in that kind of stuff.
I also wanted to let you know about another project that I'm involved with with theideacamp.com... we're talking about 'sex' issues, and we have a week coming up for people to blog about slavery (and human trafficking). I just thought you might want to check that out and maybe contribute a post that week.
It's nice to 'meet' you, and I look forward to seeing you more around The High Calling Blogs network!
I was just up in Canada. I laughed everytime someone asked me for a loonie.
Sorry. I'll respect you.
You are a bit loony. :)
Got to love that title.
Thanks for the post...very funny. I will have to check out the books.
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